David Lau, DPL & Dr. Wade Pfau, RISA: Insurance, Annuities & The Outsourced Chief Insurance Officer

Our guests today are David Lau and Wade Pfau. These two individuals have been collaborating for quite some time to solve retirement income puzzles for investors. David has been doing it with DPL, bridging the gap between low cost insurance and Fee...
Our guests today are David Lau and Wade Pfau. These two individuals have been collaborating for quite some time to solve retirement income puzzles for investors. David has been doing it with DPL, bridging the gap between low cost insurance and Fee Only wealth management firms. On the other hand, Wade has been approaching retirement solutions from the academic lens with rigorous research.
In today’s episode, we discuss the potential blind spot in Fee-Only wealth management firms as it relates to insurance and annuities, whether insurance and investments should be comingled and the concept of the outsourced Chief Insurance Officer. We break down the cost of certain products and discuss the puzzles that David and Wade are trying to solve for retirees seeking stable income sources. We also discuss if Ken Fisher is a fiduciary, what products should exist that don’t currently exist, recreating your grandparents pension with lower cost products and whether long term care insurance products are cost efficient for retirees.
Wade will receive the award as the most resilient guest of the Investors First Podcast, as he was kind enough to join us while on a trip in Japan and even experienced two earthquakes while recording the episode.
Our host today is Steve Curley, CFA. Please enjoy the episode.
Follow CFA Society of Orlando on Twitter at @CFAOrlandoFL
Show Notes:
- https://www.dplfp.com
- https://risaprofile.com
- https://retirementresearcher.com/
- https://www.mcleanam.com/
- https://www.theamericancollege.edu/our-people/faculty/wade-pfau
Past guest include Cliff Asness, Jason Zweig, Annie Duke, Morgan Housel, Raphael Bostic, and many more.