Morgan Housel & Steve Curley, CFA: The Psychology of Rational Economic Man

Our guest today is Morgan Housel, Partner at Collaborative Fund, a former columnist at The Motley Fool and The Wall Street Journal, and arguably the best financial writer of our time. In this episode, we discuss his writing process, his advice to those in the...
Our guest today is Morgan Housel, Partner at Collaborative Fund, a former columnist at The Motley Fool and The Wall Street Journal, and arguably the best financial writer of our time.
In this episode, we discuss his writing process, his advice to those in the finance industry looking to start or improve their writing, and his new book, The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness. Some of the topics he touches on include what his goal of personal finance is, how we can use money to make us happier, and the different muscles required to build wealth and maintain wealth.
Our local co-host today is Steve Curley, CFA, CIO of WaterOak Advisors and current President of the CFA Society of Orlando. Please enjoy the episode.
To read his article that was the original idea for the book, click here.
To read his article about tail risk mentioned at the end of the episode, click here.
Follow the CFA Society of Orlando on Twitter at @CFAOrlandoFL
Past guest include Cliff Asness, Jason Zweig, Annie Duke, Morgan Housel, Raphael Bostic, and many more.